

182 productos

Mostrando 25 - 48 de 182 productos

Mostrando 25 - 48 de 182 productos
LCD1602 Blue backlight  5vLCD1602 Blue backlight  5v
Arduino LCD1602 Blue backlight 5v
Precio de venta$4.95
0 reseña
Disponibles, 16 unidades
LCD1602 IIC/I2C Blue BacklightLCD1602 IIC/I2C Blue Backlight
LCD1602 Keypad Shield Blue BacklightLCD1602 Keypad Shield Blue Backlight
Arduino LCD1602 Keypad Shield Blue Backlight
Precio de venta$8.95
0 reseña
Disponibles, 7 unidades
2 Channel DC 5V Relay Module Compatible with Arduino2 Channel DC 5V Relay Module Compatible with Arduino
4 Channel DC 5V Relay Module Compatible with Arduino4 Channel DC 5V Relay Module Compatible with Arduino
8 Channel Low Level Relay Module with light coupling DC5V8 Channel Low Level Relay Module with light coupling DC5V
L293D DC Motor Drive Shield Stepper with Expansion Board for ArduinoL293D DC Motor Drive Shield Stepper with Expansion Board for Arduino
UNO Proto Prototype Shield + 170pts BreadboardUNO Proto Prototype Shield + 170pts Breadboard
Arduino UNO Proto Prototype Shield + 170pts Breadboard
Precio de venta$3.95
0 reseña
Disponibles, 19 unidades
MEGA Proto Prototype Shield V3.0+170pts BreadboardMEGA Proto Prototype Shield V3.0+170pts Breadboard
Arduino MEGA Proto Prototype Shield V3.0+170pts Breadboard
Precio de venta$4.95
0 reseña
Disponibles, 15 unidades
L298N 5V Motor Driver Board RedL298N 5V Motor Driver Board Red
Arduino L298N 5V Motor Driver Board Red
Precio de venta$3.95
0 reseña
Disponibles, 49 unidades
MB102 Breadboard Power Supply Module 3.3V 5V
Arduino MB102 Breadboard Power Supply Module 3.3V 5V
Precio de venta$2.95
0 reseña
Disponibles, 93 unidades
28BYJ-48 5V 4-Phase Stepper Step  Motor
Arduino 28BYJ-48 5V 4-Phase Stepper Step Motor
Precio de venta$2.95
0 reseña
Solo quedan 5 unidades
ULN2003 Driver Board Stepper Motor GreenULN2003 Driver Board Stepper Motor Green
Arduino ULN2003 Driver Board Stepper Motor Green
Precio de venta$2.95
0 reseña
Solo queda 1 unidad
XL6009 DC to DC Booster Step-Up ModuleXL6009 DC to DC Booster Step-Up Module
Arduino XL6009 DC to DC Booster Step-Up Module
Precio de venta$4.95
0 reseña
Disponibles, 90 unidades
LM2596 DC to DC Step-Down Power Supply ModuleLM2596 DC to DC Step-Down Power Supply Module
Arduino LM2596 DC to DC Step-Down Power Supply Module
Precio de venta$2.95
0 reseña
Disponibles, 21 unidades
PL2303 USB to RS232 TTL PL2303HX ModulePL2303 USB to RS232 TTL PL2303HX Module
Arduino PL2303 USB to RS232 TTL PL2303HX Module
Precio de venta$2.95
0 reseña
Solo quedan 3 unidades
Micro SD Card Module Mini TF Card Read and Write 6pinMicro SD Card Module Mini TF Card Read and Write 6pin
13.56Mhz MFRC-522 RC522 RFID + S50 Card + Keychain13.56Mhz MFRC-522 RC522 RFID + S50 Card + Keychain
Arduino 13.56Mhz MFRC-522 RC522 RFID + S50 Card + Keychain
Precio de venta$3.95
0 reseña
Disponibles, 23 unidades
IIC/I2C PCF8574 Serial Interface Adapter ModuleIIC/I2C PCF8574 Serial Interface Adapter Module
CNC Shield V3 A4988 Motor Driver ModuleCNC Shield V3 A4988 Motor Driver Module
Arduino CNC Shield V3 A4988 Motor Driver Module
Precio de venta$7.95
0 reseña
Solo quedan 3 unidades
1.64FT USB 2.0 A-B Male for Arduino UNO
Arduino 1.64FT USB 2.0 A-B Male for Arduino UNO
Precio de venta$2.95
0 reseña
Disponibles, 53 unidades
0.98FT USB to USB Micro for Arduino Nano
Arduino 0.98FT USB to USB Micro for Arduino Nano
Precio de venta$2.59
0 reseña
Disponibles, 120 unidades
PAM8403 Mini 5V Amplifier Board w/ SW PotentiometerPAM8403 Mini 5V Amplifier Board w/ SW Potentiometer
Arduino PAM8403 Mini 5V Amplifier Board w/ SW Potentiometer
Precio de venta$6.95
0 reseña
Disponibles, 11 unidades
W1209 DC 12V Thermostat ControlW1209 DC 12V Thermostat Control
Arduino W1209 DC 12V Thermostat Control
Precio de venta$9.95
0 reseña
Disponibles, 6 unidades

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